Monday, August 03, 2009

Being a parking Nazi rocks! I had a blast helping out at Alterra's rendition of the WORS circus. Team Extreme came through again. We helped and assisted no fewer than half a dozen racers through out the day. It gives me a good feeling inside to help out when we can. You guys Rock! And to top it off, our fearless leader Capt. Randy gets huge face / interview time on the local Fox affiliate - TV 6 at 10 PM.

My photos (taken mostly be Ben) are posted and up for your enjoyment.


Darrin & Lynn said...

We really appreciate the help that you guys gave to Darrin before the start of his race yesterday! Darrin always says he can't be as good as he is without the help of others :) We are looking forward to the rest of the racing!!! Thanks again John!!!

old 'n slow said...

Your welcome. When the race is over it's what people think of you that matters most - you guys handle the success as well as any other in the past and that's what makes this circus fun. And besides, hanging with all you young people keeps us old people young at heart.